Blinded by the Cloud – What to Know Before You Move to the Cloud
IT teams are under ever-increasing pressure to improve the performance and security of corporate networks. To meet these challenges, IT teams rely on monitoring tools.
Monitoring for security, compliance, as well as application and network performance requires access to an increasing amount of network data, optimally-performing monitoring tools and full visibility into the network. Unfortunately, the limited number of data access points prevents effective monitoring. The NPB is a necessary tool in addressing these challenges. Not only does a NPB solve the problems of tap and SPAN shortages, it also optimizes the traffic to all monitoring tools, improving overall monitoring tool performance and protecting the IT team monitoring tool investment.
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The rapid evolution of business applications and systems is making information technology (IT) a strategic part of the world’s most successful companies. The recentshift toward virtualization and cloud computing comes at a time of increasing threats of attack on these strategic assets by malicious entities. At the same time, increasingly-stringent government and industry regulations require stricter data center controls to ensure