Armis Asset Management and Keysight Visibility Keeps Devices Safe
Securing today’s digital business environments starts with an accurate, up-to-the-minute view of every managed and unmanaged device—whether they contain monitoring agents or not. The Armis Centrix™ Cyber Exposure Management Platform sees, protects, and manages billions of assets around the world in real time.
Combining Armis’s asset management solutions with Keysight’s network visibility creates a seamless, automated approach to securing every device across every domain – IT, cloud, Operational Technology (OT), Industrial Control Systems (ICS), and the Internet of Things (IoT) and Medical Things (devices) (IoMT).
Armis Centrix – the AI-powered Cyber Exposure Management Platform
The Armis platform gathers data from your wired, wireless, and multi-cloud infrastructures. Armis uses device profiles and characteristics to identify each device, assess its risks, detect threats, and recommend remediation actions
- Sees, secures, protects and manages billions of assets around the world in real time
- Agentless discovery and analysis – no additional hardware required
- Up-to-the-minute asset inventory
- Analyzes behavior continuously to identify threats and vulnerabilities that lead to costly attacks
- Streamlines control of IoT and unmanaged devices
Armis and Keysight deliver a highly intelligent, automated, and agentless approach to achieving device visibility and security. The joint solution features agentless device discovery and analysis, scalable hybrid network visibility, and support for off-network devices communicating on wireless connections.
Armis Keeps Devices Safe and Inventories Up to Date
Using device data provided by Keysight, the Armis platform discovers every managed, unmanaged, and IoT device on and off of your network, analyzes device behavior to identify risks or attacks, and protects your critical business information and systems. Armis is agentless and integrates easily with your existing security products. Armis uses device profiles and characteristics from the Armis Device Knowledgebase to identify each device, assess its risks, detect threats, and recommend remediation actions.

Agentless Visibility
Together, Armis and Keysight extend visibility beyond laptops and smartphones to more specialized—and inherently vulnerable—devices like smart TVs, video cameras, HVAC systems, and equipment used in point of sale (POS), industrial, medical systems. Solution highlights include:
- Powered by the Armis AI-driven Asset Intelligence Engine
- Discovers every device in your physical and virtual environments in real time
- Seamlessly connects with existing data sources to protect assets from the ground to the cloud
- Automated behavior analysis and threat detection
- Streamlines management of devices and systems that aren’t designed with security in mind (or haven’t been hardened, patched, or updated)
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Complete Hybrid Network Visibility Solution from Keysight
Integration with Keysight virtual SPAN/TAP makes getting Armis easy to deploy, so it can be up and running in minutes to hours. Not only does Armis integrate with your firewall or NAC, it also integrates with your security management systems like your SIEM, ticketing systems, and asset databases to allow these systems and incident responders to leverage the rich information Armis provides.
Keysight’s visibility fabric provides the Armis platform with network data…
for complete hybrid network visibility through:
– Physical and virtual taps used to access data
– Vision network packet brokers (NPBs) that aggregate, process, and deliver exactly the right data to each security and monitoring tool
– CloudLens for private, public, and hybrid clouds
Keysight’s unique Network Packet Brokers load balance traffic to optimize utilization while ensuring Armis has access to reliable, ubiquitous data. Optionally, Vision NPBs can filter out duplicate traffic, mask sensitive data to support compliance, and easily share traffic with all security tools that need to see it. Whereas in the past a few switch mirror ports may have provided sufficient data access, using gateway points, monitoring is not predictable, static or robust enough to support today’s security challenges.
Keysight’s visibility solutions combining taps, Vision Network Packet Brokers, and CloudLens deliver a smarter, more reliable and cost-effective approach to delivering data from the network to each security and monitoring tool.