Trellix and Keysight (formerly Ixia)

The need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been more critical.

With the constant evolution of cyber threats, organizations must be vigilant in safeguarding their digital assets.

Fortunately, the dynamic partnership between Trellix and Keysight (formerly Ixia) offers a winning combination that elevates cybersecurity to new heights. 

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Keysight (formerly Ixia) ia working together with Trellix, to help our clients with Extended Database Response (XDR). XDR is a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity that goes beyond traditional security solutions. It is designed to provide enhanced threat detection, response, and remediation across multiple security layers and platforms, such as endpoints, networks, email, and cloud environments. XDR integrates and correlates data from various sources to provide a holistic view of an organization’s security posture, enabling more effective protection against sophisticated cyber threats.

Trellix’s XDR together with Keysight’s Vision X Network Packet Broker is the perfect solution to get this extended network visibility with a minimal data center footprint. Vision X’s high-density, modular chassis literally feeds the Trellix solution with the right types of information to quickly and accurately detect any problems.

What Are the Key Features and Components of XDR?

XDR is made up of a considerable number of facets, which is where Trellix and Keysight (formerly Ixia) are able to complement each other. 

Data Integration: XDR collects and aggregates security data from various sources, including endpoint detection and response (EDR), network security, email security, and cloud security tools. This data includes logs, events, and alerts from these different sources.

Threat Detection and Analysis: XDR employs advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to identify unusual or suspicious activities and patterns in the aggregated data. It can detect both known and unknown threats, including zero-day attacks and advanced persistent threats (APTs).

Threat Correlation: XDR analyzes the data to correlate and contextualize security events, helping security teams understand the full scope and impact of a potential threat. This correlation enables better decision-making and more accurate threat prioritization.

Real-time Monitoring: XDR provides real-time monitoring and alerts, allowing security teams to respond quickly to security incidents and minimize potential damage.

Automated Response: Some XDR solutions offer automated response capabilities, allowing for immediate action when threats are detected. This can include isolating compromised devices, blocking malicious network traffic, or initiating incident response workflows.

Incident Investigation: XDR provides tools for in-depth investigation of security incidents. Security teams can trace the root cause of an incident, gather evidence, and analyze the attack chain for improved incident response and prevention of future attacks.

Cloud Integration: XDR solutions often extend their protection to cloud environments and services, ensuring that cloud-based data and applications are also secure.

So How Does Trellix XDR Work?

The Trellix XDR Platform is a dynamic force in the realm of cybersecurity, seamlessly working to fortify an organization’s digital defenses. At its core, XDR is designed to comprehensively ingest vast amounts of security data from multiple sources, including endpoints, networks, and cloud environments.

Once this data is collected, it is subjected to an intricate process of correlation and contextualization, where patterns and anomalies are unveiled. The inclusion of threat intelligence further enriches this data, providing a deeper understanding of emerging threats and vulnerabilities. Trellix XDR transforms this amalgamation of information into actionable insights that empower security teams to make informed decisions in real-time, ensuring a rapid and effective response to potential threats.

What sets the Trellix XDR Platform apart is its built-in playbooks, which serve as a strategic blueprint for incident response. These playbooks provide a meticulously curated set of responses and actions that can be automated, streamlining the analyst’s experience. When a security incident is detected, these playbooks come to life, enabling rapid and consistent responses. 

Automated remediation steps can be initiated, whether it involves isolating a compromised device, blocking suspicious network traffic, or alerting incident response teams. This integration of threat intelligence, data correlation, and automated playbooks creates a powerful synergy that not only identifies threats but also proactively mitigates them. In an era where cyber threats are ever-evolving, the Trellix XDR Platform stands as a stalwart guardian, combining advanced technology with human expertise to bolster an organization’s cybersecurity posture.

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The Power of Collaboration: Trellix Agent and Keysight (formerly Ixia)

XDR’s strength lies in its ability to integrate and correlate data from various security layers, but its true power is unlocked when it is supported by a collaborative ecosystem. When different security tools, platforms, and teams work in concert, they can share threat intelligence, enhance threat detection capabilities, and streamline incident response. 

By collaborating, security professionals can pool their knowledge, expertise, and resources to create a more comprehensive and proactive defense strategy, effectively countering the dynamic landscape of cyber threats. The collective vigilance and synergy fostered through collaboration are pivotal in staying ahead of the adversaries and fortifying network security in an era of ever-increasing digital interconnectedness.

XDR is a proactive and comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, helping organizations stay ahead of evolving threats by providing a unified view of their security posture and enabling rapid response to security incidents. It is particularly valuable in today’s threat landscape, where cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and multi-faceted.

